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Education Consultant

Let’s talk about

Your child’s IEP

I work with frustrated parents of ​children ages 3-12 to help them ​navigate the complicated IEP process. ​I empower parents to be the expert at ​the IEP table, as they advocate for their ​neurodivergent children.



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Feeling empowered

Learn how to ​communicate your ​concerns clearly and ​effectively while also ​being collaborative

and calm.

No need to burn the ​house down!

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Effectively ​advocating for ​your child

Propose goals, ​accommodations and services ​tailored to your child’s unique ​educational needs.

Do the goals pass the stranger ​test? Ask the questions.

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not settling for a ​passive role

Equipped with ​strategies to firmly yet ​professionally stand ​your ground and ​advocate for your child.

We can’t get to “yes” if ​we don’t know why ​there is a a “no”.

You need answers about your child’s education, but ​feel like you keep going in circles.

Let’s get you the answers you need

about your child’s IEP!

What I can ​do for you...

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support you as you confidently ​participate as a member

of the IEP team.

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help you feel empowered rather

than overwhelmed.

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help you articulate your concerns.

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keep the focus on your child.

for you...

Parent ​input/concerns ​letter templates

You need answers about your ​child’s education, but you feel ​like you keep going in circles.

Let’s get you the answers you ​need about your child’s IEP!




Review the IEP line-​by-line and identify ​any potential gaps ​or areas that need ​clarification.



Determine if the ​recommended ​services and supports

are appropriate and ​sufficient. If not, we’ll ​propose new ones.



Ensure that the ​child described on ​paper matches the ​child you know. ​Who knows them ​better than you do?

Schedule your free consult

HI! I’M nancy


I’ve been in the education field for 19 years and ​received my Board Certification for SpecialEducation Advocacy from the National ​Association of Special Education Teachers.

I have been an integral part of helping my ​sister through her journey as a mom of a ​neurodivergent child. Seeing how my niece is ​now thriving in school has motivated me to ​want to help other parents.

I'm a proud member of the Master IEP Coach® ​Network and can't wait to help you

on your IEP journey!

Cheering You On,


Shelf with stack of books and plant

What I’m hearing from parents

“They told me I had to sign right there”

“I didn’t know what questions to ask”

“Do I need a diagnosis first?”

“Is a medical diagnosis the same as educational eligibility for ​special education?”

“I told the team that I did not understand the difference between ​accommodations and modifications. The teacher just said “ok” ​and carried on, offering no explanation.”

“I don’t want to keep going to meetings without knowing my ​rights, what I’m asking for, or what I’m agreeing to.”

“The IEP is not being implemented and the school is not taking ​accountability.”

“I feel intimidated, bullied, overwhelmed, confused, tired, ​frustrated, uneducated, lost, heartbroken.”

Let’s change the narrative.

understand what’s in your child’s iep


Are they neuro-affirming?

Are they individually designed for ​each learner?

Are they easily accessible?

There is no one size fits all ​approach to education.


Are they real world, relevant goals?

Are they neuro-affirming?

Do they consider sensory, motor, ​communication or Executive ​Function needs?

Can you think of two reasons your ​child needs this exact skill?

parent concerns/input

If your child’s IEP states ​“parent has no concerns at ​this time”, we need to talk.

Of course you have concerns. ​This is where you are going to ​state them clearly and ​concisely.

office documents

Present levels of academic ​achievement and functional ​performance/present level of ​performance (plaafps/plops)

Provides a snapshot of your child at a particular ​time and place to describe the levels at which ​your they are currently working academically ​and functionally.

Stop losing sleep ​over IEP meetings!

Your child and your family need ​you for so many things. From ​deciding what's for dinner to ​scheduling therapy ​appointments, and running ​errands on a Saturday.

School struggles should not be ​stealing so much of your energy.

Person Carrying a Stack of Books


to get started solving your IEP struggles

Concentrated freelancer working on laptop at home desk

Let’s chat about your ​IEP concerns. We’ll ​cover your top thr​ee worries and possib​le solution​s.

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2. Action Plan

We’ll put together an ​easy effective action ​plan to get results ​ASAP!

Crop woman sitting near books and plant

3. On​going help

IEPs are an ongoing ​journey of decision-​making. I’ll be with you ​ev​ery step of the way.

Kind words from clients...


9 Year Old Child

I needed someone to hear ​me out as I talked about my ​child’s unique strengths, not ​just her weaknesses. I now ​feel empowered to claim my ​seat at the IEP table. She ​helped me an effective ​parent concerns letter that ​made my input meaningful.


8 Year​ Old C​hild

Nancy listened to my story ​about my child’s journey ​through the special ​education system. She was ​empathetic and reassured ​me that together we would ​navigate the process.


6 Year Old Chil​d

I was feeling overwhelmed ​and defeated because I did ​not know how to help my ​child. Working with Nancy ​we were able to write ​meaningful and relevant ​goals. Now I feel empowered!

Game changer!

Unrecognizable freelancer working on laptop at home table

When we work ​together, you will ​receive...

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QUICK RESPONSES - I'll answer all ​your IEP questions within one ​business day.

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Proven IEP Strategies - No more ​Googling at 3am to figure out what ​you need to do next.

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Meeting Support - Maybe you need ​me at your meeting, maybe you ​don't. No matter if I'm simply ​helping you prep, or sitting at the ​IEP table with you, you will never be​ alone!

Credentials and memberships

Board Certified Advocate in Special Education

Master IEP Coach®


  1. Do you work in ​my​ state?

Yes, I can help parents ​in all 50 states. Majority ​of IEP struggles are ​rooted in Federal Law ​that governs all states. If ​I need to reference ​anything specific for ​your state, I will do so ​and I have resources in ​all states to support any ​st​ate specific questions.

2. Do you attend ​IEP m​eetings?

Yes, I can attend IEP ​meetings. However, my ​goal is to give you all the ​tools you need to be the ​voice for your child. My ​role at the IEP table is to ​support you and make ​sure your voice is heard, ​requests are respected, ​and proper decisions ​are made.

3. Do you give ​legal advice?

I’m not a lawyer and I ​don’t give legal advice. I ​can absolutely use the ​foundation of the law to ​support you, your IEP ​requests, and help you ​negotiate for an ​appropriate IEP for your ​ch​ild.

Let'’s Connect

email me

Helping Parents Navigate Special ​Education - Collaboratively

Services Available Nationwide Virtually or

In-Person in Sa​n Diego, CA

Send me a text

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(808) 280-9691


IMPORTANT: I am not a lawyer and I do not give legal advice. All advocacy and IEP decisions are your own.

©2024 by Nancy Ciullo. Proudly created with